• @oroboros
    19 months ago

    Interesting, I can appreciate the argument that books showing graphic images of fellatio are not something that should be in a high school.

    It would be interesting to know who OKed it on the board that decides what books go into school libraries, although I see it is award winning and defined as a comic, so maybe it just went through with nobody flicking through it to see those images. Maybe someone had some other agenda…

    You have to admit it’s handed book burning zealots the opportunity to cancel everything, I’ve seen stories of fucking harry potter being banned


    Yeah not appropriate for high schools, also not a reason to bring about Fahrenheit 451

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      Ironically the people that want kids reading these books are the ones that want Harry Potter destroyed because of who wrote it.

      • @oroboros
        19 months ago

        Are we still talking about school administrators?

        I would say yes, you’re probably right that there is a non zero amount of people out there that would like if kids read these books, but also don’t like jk Rowling.

        I could also say and likely be correct that there is a non zero number of people would sacrifice their first born child to Donald trump if someone told them it would bring about the end of “liberals”.

        Go outside, take a walk, say hello to people. Eat healthy food, exercise, it’ll help.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          Not sure why you added those last things? I don’t need help. I already do all those things regularly.