Kroger introducing AI at self checkout to lower both accidental and organized crime theft.::undefined

  • Pistcow
    99 months ago

    My local Target as 3 self checkout with 16 human checkouts but only ever manned with 1 person. The lines are over 15 minutes long all the time, and I’ve complained to corporate multiple times. I just stopped going there all together. You can’t have 4 registers to service a population of 200k.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      You absolutely can. All it takes:

      • Inhuman desire to incessantly raise profits even when unsustainable.

      • willingness to subject your customers that provide said profits to a worse experience

      • An oligopoly where there is no real competition so customers can only run from one bad oligopoly to the next. Like highly populated areas with one of now 4 chains of grocery store miles apart.

      • An SEC that is run by those whose future yachts are based on allowing mergers and acquisitions to take place with meaningless concessions and gestures to keep up the illusion of competition.

      • Courts staffed by appointment, loyalty to an individual or philosophy, rather than competence and objectivity

      • Toothless labor movement, whittled away by decades of neoliberal policies like NAFTA and globalization.