• @[email protected]
    -39 months ago

    Dude if people really have such a problem with life, they can in fact opt out of it at pretty much any point down the line.

      • @[email protected]
        -49 months ago

        Yeah but like, why not let those with the best understanding of the particular circumstances make that decision on a case-by-case basis instead of unilaterally saying that because some people are probably going to have a shitty life no one gets to make more (people)?

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      If someone experiences so much suffering that they are pushed to “opt out of it”, it would have been better not to force them to live and experience the suffering in the first place. Just because someone can take themselves out of it doesn’t make the suffering okay to inflict.

    • OurTragicUniverse
      9 months ago

      And we do, frequently. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death for autistic people.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        Yes, and I think that is bad. I just also think that this isn’t because of anything intrinsic to being alive and/or autistic, but largely due to external factors.

        • OurTragicUniverse
          9 months ago

          And what control do we have over these external factors? Because it sounds like you’re basically summing this up as ‘skill issue’, you get that right?

          Victim blaming autistic people who commit suicide is a great look on you. You should be so proud of this line of reasoning.

          • @[email protected]
            09 months ago

            Yeah righto bud, I’m not victim blaming anybody. I’m just shit-talking a bunch of sad defeatists on the internet who think they’re smarter than everybody else just because they’ve taken the fucking blackpill when in reality they’re so far down this hole that they’re running defense for fucking eugenics against their own community.

            On the off chance that you were being sincere in your question as to what we can do to actually improve the situation, the answer is to participate in an existing community dedicated to that very purpose. Collective action is generally way more effective than anything an individual can do. Are there barriers to doing this? Potentially. What can you do about that? I guess you’ll just have to figure it out; I don’t fucking know the specific circumstances of your personal situation, nor those of any groups around you.

            • OurTragicUniverse
              9 months ago

              So what are you doing? I mean aside from making lots of silly assumptions about me and the other people here who are politely trying to explain our points of view about this.

              How are you making the world better for people with autism? And how many kids do you plan on having? Any plans for how you and all the kids will cope with the water and food shortages over the next ten to thirty years?

              Genuinely asking here.

              • @[email protected]
                09 months ago

                What the fuck do you want from me? I don’t owe you shit. You asked a question I suspected and am now convinced was in bad faith, and I answered it anyway.

                You’re talking a lot of shit about me making baseless assumptions for somebody out here asking questions that are entirely premised on baseless assumptions yourself, such as (wrongly) assuming not only that I’m capable of having children (I intentionally had my gonads removed, not that it’s any of your business) but also that I’d want to (children have a tendency to be noisy, outgoing and energetic in a way that doesn’t jive with my own autism). I just don’t have a problem with people who genuinely believe that they can give their children a good life having any, as I’m not convinced that a good life is impossible (yet).

                Piss off with your bullshit “politely trying to explain our points of view” civility politics, we were past that when you took the least charitable interpretation you could have done and misconstrued my point of view as somehow placing blame on the victims of the current state of affairs.

                Genuinely asking here.

                nonono: you’re “Just Asking Questions.” At least, I believe that’s the vernacular.

                My position is simple: for as long as there is any positive experience to be had, life can be worthwhile and it’s not up to anyone to make a decision based on the contrary view to that on the behalf of anyone else. Also eugenics is fucking vile.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      So if your kid doesn’t want to fight in the water wars you’re just gonna say “lol kys nerd”? Tragic.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        Firstly, I don’t have a kid. Being sterile (and also just not wanting any), I am quite unlikely to ever have a kid. Ideally we as a society would work to avoid water wars happening. My point is that we should improve our collective state of affairs somewhat, rather than resigning ourselves to the idea that to exist is to suffer like a bunch of loser doomers.

        • @[email protected]
          59 months ago

          There’s no fixing to this shit and deep down you know this.

          I saw how humanity got together to deal with COVID. Spoiler: they fucking didn’t.

          What a garbage species we are.