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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ninaaxz on 2023-06-25 08:11:50+00:00.

I’m a (18F) and I normally only wear bras when I go out, because its uncomfortable, itchy and yk, you gotta let the girls breathe a lil.

Yesterday I went to my uncles house for a stay over. once I arrived to the house, I took off my bra as usual and just started to get comfortable.

at dinner time, I noticed my uncle and male causin acting a bit weird around me, and my aunt and female cousin were giving me looks and looking at my breasts I couldn’t tell what for. after dinner, my female cousin pulled me aside and asked me why I wasn’t wearing a bra.

I told her because we are in the house. She told me that my uncle and her brother was in the house too. I got confused and told her so what, I also have a dad and brother at my house, they never cared if I wore a bra or not in the house.

she got annoyed and told me to wear it and that I can take it off before sleep and to put it back on once I wake up. I refused and told her I was not going to spend the whole day in my bra. she told me she and her mom does and that I’m being dramatic.

I said no again, walked out her room and basically spent the whole night in the guest room where I was gonna sleep. now its morning as I’m writing this, I’m not wearing a bra and both my cousin and aunt gave me annoyed looks and a forced good morning when I said good morning to them. Now I feel a little guilty. Should I just wear the bra? AITA for not?

  • agentshags
    2 years ago

    Why do tits make people freak out so much. There literally there to feed kids.