
  • cujo
    2 years ago

    I adore my Pixel. I jumped on a Pixel 3a many years ago, and it was an incredible phone. There was a brief switch to an iPhone 11 when the Pixel 3a finally bit the dust (I am an abusive phone owner… it had been stepped on, dropped a half dozen or more times sans case, dropped in a lake, skittered across rocks, etc. It finally died because I applied a little pressure to a crack in the screen like an idiot…) but that didn’t last long. I jumped right back to the Pixel 6 within a year of having the iPhone.

    My main reasons for use are the incredible support, getting constant updates to the OS from Google, and the camera. It is a smooth and pleasant experience all around. I don’t think I’ll ever own another android phone. If I did switch to a different manufacturer, I’d almost definitely run some kind of custom ROM on it.