JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday that Israel would “crush and destroy” Hamas in response to its attack.

Netanyahu said every Hamas member was a “dead man.”

Netanyahu made the remarks in a late-night televised address as Israeli planes pounded Gaza in response to the unprecedented attack.

    1 year ago

    Some of the takes that I’ve seen on this are bizarre.

    You can hate that Hamas has murdered innocent civilians, and you can ALSO hate that Israel has murdered innocent civilians.

    Some of us are just genuinely disgusted by the sheer amount of innocent people dying. It’s terrible, and nothing anyone says will ever make me believe that those innocent people deserved to die like that. Some of them only have the “crime” of being born there.

    I’m not from the US, but it irks me to see so many people calling anyone from there a hypocrite for being upset over it, solely because of the United States’ previous involvement. Many of the people commenting are probably not the same people who wanted to join the war back then. Many of the people commenting may have not been old enough to vote for the government at the time. Millions of people are not one single homogeneous life form. Every person has their own mix of thoughts, feelings, experiences, emotions, hopes, and dreams. These things help fuel how they see the world around them. No two peoples stories are exactly alike.

      1 year ago

      As a USA citizen we suffer from a culture of “blind patriotism and stupidity.” A lot of people believe anything the USA did in the past is right because the USA did it. A lot of people believe all other nations are inferior, living in the USA it is very easy to be isolated from other nations. I personally find it easy to write nonsense on Lemmy from the safety of my couch.

        1 year ago

        Nationalists exist, yes. For me, the issue is that grouping masses of people together tends to end badly, in one way or another. You could hinder a lot of very good things if you regularly assume that someone is a bad person, just based off of where they live.

        That being said, the people who DID want this deserve every bit of that ire.

        It would really suck to be branded to be a person like that just based off of where you’re from. Some people are legitimately upset over civilian deaths on both sides. Those are the comments that don’t deserve anger, in my opinion. Empathy should be a good thing, no? I get it if they’re saying bad things, but having empathy for all of the needless death shouldn’t be seen as a bad thing.

        You’d figure people would want the US to start becoming more legitimately empathetic and caring if anything. Maybe the effects from their previous involvement wouldn’t have happened if there was a higher value on life. Maybe other wars would have also not happened.

        Things are going wrong to some extent just about everywhere it seems. What a messed up planet though; where feeling disgust for mass murders is now controversial.

        1 year ago

        Because the one who can actually cause change. You should usually hold the oppressor to a higher moral standard than the oppressed.

        1 year ago

        Quote me where I said one side was worse. Do it. You’re adding words and meaning that were never there.

        Murdering innocent people is bad, it’s not a crazy concept. I’m sure those children would feel so much better about being murdered after seeing your perspective. (Just in case, of course they wouldn’t.)

        I didn’t specify a party again, because the whole point is that it’s horrible that innocent people are dying. It’s very odd that that’s controversial to you. A child doesn’t deserve to die more just because they’re on one side of the border. Just like they wouldn’t deserve to die more for being on the other side of the border.

        Some of us value life, you know?