• @[email protected]
    309 months ago

    In Portland, we have a huge video store called Movie Madness. $3 rent for almost any movie in existence. With an actual museum of Hollywood costumes, models and props around you. And you can sip a draft beer while you browse. It’s always humorous when cable news portrays Portland as being some uncivilized hellhole.

    • be_excellent_to_each_other
      129 months ago

      It’s always humorous when cable news portrays Portland as being some uncivilized hellhole.

      I don’t think anyone portrays it that way except folks trying to claim the entire city was burned to cinders in 2020. At least, I don’t get that impression from anyone else.

      I think the general reputation is that it’s lefty and weird (in a good way).

      9 months ago

      We had a little rental place like that where I’m at, too. Not nearly as fancy, but nice. It was a great place to spend a party of a date, before heading home with your movies.

      Anyway, they shut down this summer. I actually don’t remember exactly which time was my last in there… Apparently they were never actually profitable. The owner just kept it running out of good will.