The nug:

While assertions have been made by both sides about the incident and death toll, the available evidence is less clear. However, analysis of the video footage rules out most explanations aside from an Israeli strike.

The devastation underlines the heightened risk civilians are facing as tens of thousands flee the north, on Israeli orders, during hostilities. The bodies of at least three children can be seen in multiple clips verified by the FT.

At least 1,400 Israelis have been killed, according to the government, including many women and children. At least 2,500 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli bombardment, about half of them women and below the age of 18, according to Palestinian officials.

On Saturday, Israel told Gazans that it would refrain from bombing two evacuation routes for six hours, including Salah-ad-Din street, where these explosions took place, so that civilians could continue to move south

    • @TopRamenBinLaden
      9 months ago

      Hamas attacked a concert called the festival of peace and love, which was mostly attended by young Israelis that would vote against Palestinian oppression. Those aren’t the ‘illegal settlers’ that they should be going after.

      If Hamas would have literally targeted anything militarized with their attacks, they would have much more support from the world. Instead they chose to go after the easiest and most peaceful target that they could find.

      The IDFs and Israeli governments actions are just as bad, with their targeting of civilians, and genocidal assault. They have been terrible to the Palestinians for years and are just as culpable for this escalation.

      I’m not saying anyone in is in the right here, because it’s all terrible. Free Palestine, but fuck people who go after innocent civilians on both sides.

      • @[email protected]
        09 months ago

        Oh, I’m sorry, a bunch of rich white kids getting high and dancing 2 miles from a concentration camp were going to change the world? Give me a break, they didn’t give a fuck about Palestinians and they weren’t doing shit for them by getting fucked up at a rave.

        • @TopRamenBinLaden
          19 months ago

          No shit dude. I didn’t say they were. They were a bunch of kids partying in the desert. They also werent the fucking oppressors of Palestinians. The younger generation was actually mostly for human rights in Gaza unlike their elders.

          They didn’t fucking deserve to be slaughtered and it was one of the dumbest moves Hamas could’ve made. They lost a lot of support with that one attack. There were so many other things that they could’ve attacked that people would understand.

          If you think a bunch of kids partying in the desert deserved to have their lives ended because of the actions of their government, then you are a Sociopath and you should seek help.