Israel has been explicit about what it’s carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening?

  • @[email protected]
    149 months ago

    Riiiight… that’s why the medieval Islamic world was a safe-haven for Jewish communities for hundreds of years - because “their holy book” told them to do genocide. You know… like Christendom was doing?

    • @[email protected]
      09 months ago

      It was never a safe haven, they either had to change religion or pay a hefty tax if they wanted to live there.

      • @[email protected]
        29 months ago

        It was never a safe haven

        You are absolutely correct… I just read about the horrible massacres Muslim carried out against Jewish people in Jerusalem in 1099. Here’s an eyewitness speaking of it…

        “…[our men] were killing and slaying even to the Temple of Solomon, where the slaughter was so great that our men waded in blood up to their ankles…”

        Oh. Sorry. My bad. That wasn’t Muslims. That was (supposedly) “Christian” Crusaders.