Time and again, we see CEOs and similar executives make horrible decisions that massively damage a company both financially and in terms of reputation and the perpetrator is forced to resign, yet receives so much money as a going away present you’d think they’re being rewarded for their fuck up. Why??

  • @[email protected]
    311 year ago

    Because the people that set compensation is the board of directors, and they are composed of other executives. They want to set the precedent for themselves.

    • sadreality
      21 year ago

      Correct, also execs have strong bargaining power and entire industry of advisors to advocate for their comp.

      This is opposed to wage slaves who are atomized and forced to negotiate for themselves while most industries collude to fix their wage. Many industries share their salary data to third party aggregator who will in turn provide reports that enable companies to fix wages for specific professions/industries. This is illegal but as you might no, government does enforce rules against “legal people” only organics who of “lower quality”

    • AttackBunny
      11 year ago

      Also, they are all generally good friends, and want to make sure they keep the wealth “where it belongs”