Sejm (lower house) votes as of 100% votes counted):

  • Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Right) - 35,38%
  • Koalicja Obywatelska (Centre) - 30,70%
  • Trzecia Droga (Centre-Right) - 14,40%
  • Nowa Lewica (Centre-Left) - 8,61%
  • Konfederacja (Far Right) - 7,16%

Up to date results:

Sejm (lower house) seats as of 100% votes counted:

  • Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Right) - 194
  • Koalicja Obywatelska (Centre) - 157
  • Trzecia Droga (Centre-Right) - 65
  • Nowa Lewica (Centre-Left) - 26
  • Konfederacja (Far Right) - 18

Democratic opposition gets 248/460 seats, safe majority but not enough to counter presidential veto.

D’Hondt calculator via:

Senat (upper house) as of 100% votes counted:

  • Senate pact*: 66
  • PiS: 34

* First past the post system is used in the upper house elections. Senate pact is an informal coalition of all democratic opposition parties where they agree on a single candidate per voting district.


  • dumdum666
    -111 months ago

    Yeah … it got tighter for a change in power the more votes were counted. I really wonder why that happened, since it happened in Slovakia as well. We’re the results from rural regions coming in last or something like that?

    • @[email protected]
      611 months ago

      I think it was the other way around. They counted the rural areas first and PiS got about 40% there. Then the bigger cities came in and PiS lost more and more down to 35.5%