What are some of your favorite out of the ordinary names from history, religion, or fiction? Could be the name of a person, animal, place, etc.

I’ve really always liked the name Bellerephon from Greek mythology. I also like the name of the home planet of the Time Lords from Dr. Who, Gallifrey, as well as Rassilon, a Time Lord.

  • Skybreaker
    39 months ago

    Ariadne. Princess of Crete who led Theseus through the labyrinth.

    I like Greek mythological names and this one is beautiful.

    • Clay_pidgin
      19 months ago

      Any idea how it’s pronounced?

      • Skybreaker
        19 months ago

        I just listened to an audiobook of the same name. They pronounced it “Air-ee-odd-knee”. But I actually like the pronunciation “Are-ee-odd-neigh” better. Emphasis on the “odd” in both cases.