• hiddengoat
    119 months ago

    As I chronicled elsewhere, I worked with an attorney that would spam antivaxx right-wing propaganda all over his fucking LinkedIn and he remains employed to this day.

    People have a really fucking stupid notion of how lawyers actually behave in real life.

    • @[email protected]
      69 months ago

      Well, different positions and different companies hold people to different standards.

      Was your attorney a student body president at NYU?

      • hiddengoat
        -49 months ago

        I suggest you read the post I’m responding to. There is no such thing as an unbiased person, and attorneys are no different. Thinking otherwise is Hollywood bullshit, which is all most people know about lawyers.

        • @[email protected]
          89 months ago

          I suggest you re-read the posts you’re replying to. The problem is not that a person has an opinion, the problem is not being able to choose where and when to express what degree of opinion and still think you should have a position at a white shoe kind of firm.

        • @dependencyInjection
          39 months ago

          Everybody is biased. The question is can you put your biases aside for your job.

          I could not, ergo I’m not a lawyer or in a role where that matters.

          • hiddengoat
            -49 months ago

            That’s defeatist horseshit. You be a lawyer FOR your biases. You be a public defender. You work for the ACLU or EFF. You become a right-wing grifter and just start suing everyone for being woke. You become a lawyer specializing in IP so you can sue the shit out of infringers. You become a lawyer specializing in IP so you can sue the shit out of greedy-ass corporations.

            All people are inherently biased and if you think you can’t be an attorney because you’re biased, fuck you. Get off your ass and be an attorney. You have no excuse except for the crushing debt and 6-7 years of coursework unless you’ve already completed a Bachelor’s degree. Do it. Because some asshole on the internet told you to.

            • @dependencyInjection
              59 months ago

              Hardly defeatist, as I really don’t want to be a lawyer. I have my dream job and feel blessed for it.

              • hiddengoat
                19 months ago

                Screw that! Go spend $200k on law school! Get paid $40k a year as a PD! It’s the new hip thing!

    • @[email protected]
      29 months ago

      If I were the head of a law firm, I wouldn’t hire the idiot you’re talking about or this guy. That doesn’t mean nobody ever will, but it’s not that shocking that one potential employers decided to pass. Nobody is obliged to hire him and he showed a pretty fundamental lack of judgement & ethics.