• Bernie Ecclestoned
    48 months ago

    It’s a fine line between owning up only because you’ve been caught though. It’s happened on at least 3 occasions

    Hamas is both a terrorist organisation and the government of Gaza. There’s plenty of times when a mistake gets blamed on the enemy in war.

    • dumdum666
      8 months ago

      Ok - if I understand you correctly, Israel has been „caught“ several times. If it has happened that many times as you say - there must be some kind of report about it. Do you have a link for me?

      • Bernie Ecclestoned
        8 months ago

        The IDF initially denied responsibility for killing Abu Akleh and pointed the finger at Palestinian gunmen. But investigations by the United Nations and several news organisations concluded that the journalist was not near Palestinian gunfire when she was killed, and that Israeli forces were almost certainly responsible. The UN said that Israeli soldiers fired “several single, seemingly well-aimed bullets” at Abu Akleh and other journalists.

        In September, the IDF finally admitted that one of its soldiers had probably shot her but said there would be no criminal prosecutions because no laws had been broken and declared the case closed
