Though Russia is warming 2.5 times as fast as the rest of the planet, some of its scientists, RAS members and public figures regularly voice denials of climate science, sowing confusion among the populace.

In May, the RAS’s Eurasian economic integration council said that Earth’s warming is primarily due to the “outflow of potassium isotope from the Earth’ depths” and linked local climate catastrophes to the “increasing emission of natural hydrogen, which creates ozone holes.”

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), in contrast, states that human release of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane have “unequivocally” led to global warming.

Present in Russian public discourse for decades, climate deniers often have backgrounds in natural sciences, engineering, paleoclimatology, or the fossil fuel industry, experts say.

      • @octoperson
        289 months ago

        I’m not sceptical, I see that climate is changing, but I like it 🤷‍♂️

        Just explain why we are sceptical

        No. You just explain why we should explain a position that moments earlier you claimed to not hold.

      • Bernie Ecclestoned
        9 months ago

        “In more than half of the cases, my experience was related to skeptics. And if you’re talking to a geologist, there is a 90% likelihood they are skeptics,” said a climate expert who requested anonymity in order to speak candidly. “Sometimes it was an aggressive stance, and sometimes just a lack of understanding.”

        Because you just don’t understand

        • Ильдар
          -439 months ago

          I understand clearly, and you can’t stand other opinions

            • @[email protected]
              129 months ago

              To add, you can have an opinion about a scientific fact, sure. But then, you are wrong.

              This will probably not stop them from keeping erroneous thoughts and opinions, sadly…

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            You’re fully entitled to your opinion, but we have to agree that your opinion is wrong.

            It’s as if you said your cat has seven legs. Yes you might be fully convinced of that, and sadly you might be able to impress some people with it, and it may make you feel special, give you comfort or whatever. But it’s also wrong. You don’t actually have a cat with seven legs. That’s important as well.