• @[email protected]
    329 months ago

    Is there any sense whatsoever of Harris having contributed meaningfully in internal deliberations of the executive branch? As VP, Biden played a reasonably active role in debates over, e.g., foreign policy (he was well known as one of the most outspoken doves on Iraq/Afghanistan issues). Even if he didn’t always get his way (actually, he often didn’t), he was there in the room. I don’t get the sense that Harris is pulling her weight to the same extent.

    Obama also carved out portfolios for Biden to handle, like overseeing the disbursal of stimulus funds; face it, giving out of goodies is probably the single thing politicians love best. What has Biden carved out for Harris? Solving the border problem—that sounds like he’s screwing her over rather than helping groom her as a successor. Maybe she will next be tasked with resolving the Israel-Palestinian conflict?

    • @[email protected]
      49 months ago

      Don’t forget fixing voting rights and solving America’s gun problem. Just a couple of easy wins to build her profile.

      • @[email protected]
        179 months ago

        I believe their point is that for previous vice presidents people could say “I think X is ready to be president because they did A, B, and C as vice president”, but we don’t really seem to have that for Harris.

        • @[email protected]
          19 months ago

          The way I see it, Biden has to give 110% and keep everything close to the chest just to keep the right from having more ammo that he’s too old and feeble to be president by the 2024 election.

          I have a funny feeling that if Biden were to win 2024, he’d probably spend nearly the entirety of the term with his VP doing most of the work and him sitting back and being more advisory. President is a tough job. Biden is in great shape but 4 years of that is a tough gig on any body.

          This will build Harris’s profile for a run in 2028. If successful in 2028 and 2032 she’d effectively be a 3-term president, just one of those terms with Biden holding the bike seat.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            that’s a bleak outlook. yes, we need to keep trump out of politics, he is a disaster golem, but harris is boring, as is biden. i’ll vote for biden in 24 solely to exclude the other guy.