• @[email protected]
    229 months ago

    It’s the perpetual double standard. Qualifications are important. So let’s talk about Trump and George W Bush. How were they in any way shape or form qualified? Bush didn’t even finish his national guard service. Trump doesn’t understand why soldiers die for their country. Both of those twats shouldn’t ‘qualify’ for president.

    • @[email protected]
      79 months ago

      That’s part of what is so frustrating about Harris - she is qualified, but doesn’t make her case. Trump will straight up tell MAGA that only he can protect them from the deep state transing their kids, and they lap it right up.

      It’s just bizarre how bad Dems are at messaging…maybe they suffer from being in the Washington bubble and constantly being reassured they’re the greatest ever, I don’t know. This consistently hamstrings their party by failing to lead, and instead settling for “at least we’re not them.” Newsflash ya idgits - we’re all Americans.

      • GladiusB
        9 months ago

        That’s because the US is dysfunctional. Just like always looking for abusive relationships, when someone normal comes around we aren’t prepared because we are used to doing coke of a bare ass and then wrestling a grizzly.

        US politicians are about getting attention through shock and pushing the envelope because the people demand entertainment rather than what it should be about. Governing people and companies.

      • @[email protected]
        59 months ago

        Unfortunately sir I don’t get to set the menu, only serve it up. Please speak with the DNC otherwise.