• @[email protected]
    618 months ago

    They don’t bother being discreet. The rich are only interested in helping the rich.

    Elections are the illusion of choice.

    You don’t become a political leader without forming many ties to the rich and powerful.

    • Obinice
      68 months ago

      This is literally exactly what I keep saying and people just look at me like I’m crazy. Exactly!

      Do you by chance know any further reading I can do along these lines? Books are preferable to dubious random blogs and such but I’ll take anything written, really! Thank you :-)

      • appel
        38 months ago

        Any communist/Marxist literature :p Maybe have a browse around on ProleWiki. I would also recommend Socialism: Utopian and Scientific by Friedrich Engels, because I think it does a good job of explaining the basics in the last chapter (but the first two are worth reading too). For something less theoretical that just tells it how it is right now, I would recommend “Confessions of an Economic hitman”, which exposes the meddling of US imperialism around the world (including politics)

        Most of the Marxist literature can be found on Marxists.org

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      All elections, or just elections in liberal democracies? I can’t think of any major Marxist country that didn’t do some form of representational democracy, even if the elections are just a formality. China does it. The Soviet Union did it. They didn’t make elections dissappear, they just kept politicians that disagreed with the party line from running.

      In large societies, not every decision can be made through direct democracy, so we need someone to make those decisions. Why not have a legislature? Is a group of unelected decision makers better?