Two knives and hammer found inside vehicle of suspects ranging in ages from 17 to 21; they face multiple charges including attempted destruction of property using explosives

      • @guckfoogle
        29 months ago

        I don’t understand why it’s appropriate to make offhanded comments about Islam and blame a whole religion of people for the violent acts of a handful of extremists, but god forbid anyone say something critical about Israel and suddenly their an antisemitic Nazi. Case in point me being called antisemitic for calling “a CEO Jewish”

          • @guckfoogle
            -18 months ago

            I’m sorry you feel that way, but violence would still keep on happening even if there were no more religions, it’s human nature. Religion does more good than harm (brings communities together, passing down of traditions/knowledge, charity, etc…).

            • @[email protected]
              28 months ago

              but violence would still keep

              If cancer were cured tomorrow people would still eventually die, but I would rather live in a world without cancer than with.

              Religion does more good than harm

              By what metric?

              brings communities together

              Yeah in mutual hatred for outsiders and minorities and heretics.

              , passing down of traditions/knowledge

              It is called paper.

              charity, etc…).

              Government does more and does it better.

              • @guckfoogle
                -28 months ago

                you bleeding heart liberals are really starting to get more more intolerant and hateful by the day, I shall drink your liberal tears with my holy water, thank you and have a blessed day.

                  • @guckfoogle
                    -28 months ago

                    an argument can only be made between two competent parties, and you clearly are a child.