• @[email protected]
      728 months ago

      Yeah, the losing weight, getting a girlfriend, and removing the poop stain were actually just hallucinations caused by his brain shutting down due to water toxemia

      • @[email protected]
        288 months ago

        Fucking doctors. ‘drink water’ ‘at least 8 glasses a day’ ‘more if you exercise’ ‘water is vital to you’ ‘most of the human body is water’ ‘💦’ but nobody is like ‘but not too much water or it can kill you’.

        Doctors are in bed with Big Water, and they don’t want you to know the truth!

        • @[email protected]
          78 months ago

          FYI the “8 glasses a day” thing has no no medical basis, just make sure you drink when you’re thirsty!

          • roguetrick
            58 months ago

            If you’re actively sweating, a good rule of thumb is to drink enough that you still have to pee.

    • roguetrick
      8 months ago

      Not necessarily if your kidneys are in good working order and you replace incidental salt loss but you would essentially never stop pissing. Kidneys work fast so you’d literally just be taking a piss shortly after drinking a liter. You’d be peeing once or twice an hour.

      Having the dedication to actually do that when you also post on 4chan is unbelievable.

      • @Scubus
        18 months ago

        Whachu mean? 4channers are very dedicated. Youll never meet a crowd more dedicated to embracing their autism.

    • Domriso
      -78 months ago

      As someone who drinks between 8 and 16 liters of soda a day, it’s not that dangerous. You just urinate a lot more than normal people.

      • RBG
        188 months ago

        You realise there are some grave differences between water and soda, right? Also, damn dude, I seriously hope you are an American who just cannot convert ounces to liters properly.

        • Domriso
          18 months ago

          Nope, I drink between 4 and 8 two liter sodas a day. Interspersed with other drinks, like if I go out to eat.

          • RBG
            28 months ago

            I strongly believe you are an outlier. Like the Mick Jagger of soda drinking. This cannot be healthy. Then again, you said nothing about your weight or other health issues, and you shouldn’t feel like you need to, thats quite private info…

            • Domriso
              18 months ago

              I’m a walking bag of health issues, to the point where the amount of soda I’m drinking is barely a blip on the radar.

              • RBG
                28 months ago

                Hah, learning something new. I guess its oz and L then. Thought the move to gallons after oz.

            • @PM_ME_FEET_PICS
              18 months ago

              1L, 1.25, 2L and 3L are common in the US.

              750ml is also a size in the US but its sometimes swapped with 24oz. Most other sizes under that is done in oz.

        • Domriso
          18 months ago

          I’m a diabetic and got into a habit of drinking a lot before I was diagnosed. Then I got put on a medication that works by shunting sugar into my urine, which increases my frequency of urination and therefore my thirst. I also have hyperhydrosis, which makes me sweat way more than normal, so I need to replace the liquids more than normal, and the medication I’m on for it has a side effect of further increasing how much I drink.

          All combined, I drink way more than normal people. A strange side effect is that, since I produce so much more urine than a normal person, my bladder has stretched to much larger than normal. Most people have a maximum capacity of 1000mL in their bladder, i have closer to 2000mL.

          • RBG
            28 months ago

            Well, this emphasizes even more that you are a special case and you should not generalise that drinking that much soda is ok.

          • qyron
            18 months ago

            But why soda? Even more if you are under a medication that diverts sugars directly to urine, being a diabetic. Can I risk it is out of habit or for the taste?

            Wouldn’t reducing the sugar intake cut the need for that medication, by simply drinking plain water, and have a mineral supplement to cover the eventual excessive loss due to higher urination/sudation?

            • Domriso
              08 months ago

              I only drink diet soda, so it’s not impacting my sugar. I’ve tried drinking water, but I need some kind of flavor, and seltzer just tastes hitter and gross to me.

              • qyron
                18 months ago

                Let me just add artificial sweetners can provoke bloating to some individuals; I’m one of those.

                I can relate with feeling an electrolyte drop when drinking too much water in one go; it’s as if water starts to taste, for lack of a better word, wrong, regardless how thirsty one feels.

                If it is not causing you any adverse effect, good.