• @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Name 3 nonfiction books on the Israel Palestinian conflict that you’ve read.

    Oh, or name 5 documentaries if you can’t do the former.

    Ignorant antisemitic zionist jackass, we get it, youre insecure about your piercieved intelligence.

      • @[email protected]
        -39 months ago

        Name 3 nonfiction books on the Israel Palestinian conflict that you’ve read.

        Oh, or name 5 documentaries if you can’t do the former.

        Times articles are neither documentaries nor nonfiction books. If youre getting your political education from extremist corporate media that sure explains a lot.

          • @[email protected]
            9 months ago

            You still think that hamas magically got a rocket big enough to cause the explosion seen in video from multiple angles, and that this rocket was intercepted by the Iron dome, and instead of disintegrating like every rocket does when intercepted, a massive chunk complete with functional detonator flew backwards at significant speed and struck a hospital parking lot. Or is the claim that a bunch of miniscule components all drifted exactly into the hospital parking lot and all magically detonated? Now the Palestinian authority says half a thousand, US intelligence claims 100-300. Must have been a crowded parking lot. Now bear in mind the missile that is allegedly on video as the one that struck the hospital after being intercepted did disintegrate, as you can see by carefully looking at footage.

            You’re buying into a narrative that not only is politically nonsense, but also at points physically impossible. This is why you shouldn’t develop understanding from extremist corporate media like the new York times, and should instead read some fucking books.

            See I’ve been letting you go on about the mods thing without correcting you, but I was referring to the admin team reaching out about joining the admin team. You’ll know when I’ve finished the onboarding process :)

              • @[email protected]
                -39 months ago

                Please explain to me how the hamas rocket defied the laws of physics though, do they have secret knit together in mid air technology?

                  • @[email protected]
                    9 months ago

                    Oh, sorry, the Israeli narrative keeps shifting, now I’m guessing it was fired and a chunk just fell off and flew backwards? Oh, oh, or did hamas fire a missile in the opposite direction of israel? Or did they intend to blow up a Palestinian hospital so they could blame it on the IDF?

                    Oh, and did they get the missile large enough to conservatively kill 100 people in a parking lot from the illuminati or from the dolphins? Because the missiles that they are capable of producing have historically had casualties of at max a dozen people.