• @sugar_in_your_tea
    -98 months ago

    This doesn’t look peaceful, here are some other news resources:

    Both use language suggesting the protesters were “aggressive” and didn’t comply with police presence to contain the protest.

    That said, details seems to be limited, so I hope we get more clarity and video footage to illuminate what exactly happened and who instigated.

    • hiddengoat
      38 months ago

      NY Post is a right-wing wankrag. They’re as reliable a source as my ballsack, except my ballsack actually has a journalism degree. It’s just not very well connected and isn’t looking to work in the field any longer.

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        48 months ago

        Sure, which is why I also posted an MSN link, which had a similar story and is generally considered more leftist. That said, the MSN article linked to the nypost article, so I’m not sure how much independent journalism happened.

        My point here is that details are few and we should take a moment to get more evidence before jumping to any conclusions.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      France and Germany banned protests for Palestine. Why would the NYC protestors bend down for the NYPD telling them they’re not allowed to protest against civilians killed by Israeli war crimes?

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        8 months ago

        I don’t see what Germany or France has to do with anything.

        In this country, we believe in free speech, but also being subject to the rule of law. I want evidence for which side broke that contract before jumping to conclusions.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Downvote for providing critical thought and checking the source? Lol this is a reflection of how biased this community is

      • @sugar_in_your_tea
        18 months ago

        Eh, I got the same from Reddit. The main difference is that I care less about downvotes here, though I’m not sure why.

        The OP’s source is obviously left-biased, and I wish that would encourage people to look for more sources instead of just circle-jerking. But I guess that’s not the case here.