• @Eeyore_Syndrome
    8 months ago


    “The government decided to compromise. “In 1973, the government mandated through a cabinet order that traffic lights use the bluest shade of green possible—still technically green, but noticeably blue enough to justifiably continue using the ao nomenclature,” Allan Richarz writes for Atlas Obscura.”

    So their lights are “blue” for other reasons…but hey technically still green for international compliance.

    As a person with red/green (deuteranomaly) issues that needed a 7 page packet from my eye Dr. so I could get my licence…

    I’d super love if America changed to “blue”(technically not blue, just the minimum amount of green hue) myself.

    Waaaaay less people are blue colorblind.

    Also shout out to Androids’ spiffy accessibility ♿👀 options!

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Not being able to see green. What does the green light look like? Can you still tell it’s lit up, just not the color, or do you have to go, well red and yellow is out, so green must be on?

      • @Eeyore_Syndrome
        18 months ago

        That’s the thing. I see green. Or rather I associate what I was taught green “was”. But it’s the in between shades everything blends together.

        So browning lettuce/herbs/grass looks the same to me. Also not good at easter egg hunts.