Remember, the social Democrats sided with the Nazis over the socialists. They’ve done it every time they’ve been given the opportunity, and will continue to do so as many times as people fall for their shtick.

“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house."
-Audre Lorde

  • @[email protected]
    78 months ago

    And under which ideology was that democracy index created? Why would liberal Democratic countries have a material interest in convincing their populations that they are Democratic in nature, while functioning entirely and scientifically proven as an oligarchy?

    • jabberati
      18 months ago

      @BartsBigBugBag Yes, people with money have a lot of influence on elections. How do you think we should fix it? Otherwise the index looks pretty accurate to me, the most democratic countries seem to be on the top, the most authoritarian countries are on the bottom.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        There are examples of countries that prioritize the desires and needs of their population above the desires of capital, they’re heavily demonized in the west though. If you actually go to them, you might find out most of what you learned is literally completely bullshit, because it is.

          • @Klear
            18 months ago

            Russia, China, Noth Korea, I bet.

            • @[email protected]
              38 months ago

              God no, Russia is a capitalist oligarchy hellhole run by a violent strong man. How tf could they take care of their people when the first order of business when they took over as the Russian Federation was literally to gut all public services and infrastructure and sell it on the capitalist markets for a profit. I bet it feels good to put imaginary boxes around people who say things you don’t like though.

                • @[email protected]
                  28 months ago

                  China was pretty fucking awesome, I’m not gonna lie. In fact, I’m going back multiple times next year. And probably again the year after that if we’re not at war with them. It’s not perfect, but man, for a country that has only been developing for 80 years or so, they’ve already surpassed most of the world in many ways. It’s crazy coming back the U.S. and seeing our crumbling infrastructure and ugly concrete cities after seeing so much new and beautiful, and USEFUL cities there. Fifteen minute cities aren’t a dream for the future, they’re a reality in China. I can literally stay at my girlfriends apartment and walk to anything I need within 15m. Food, markets, services, everything. And she doesn’t even live in a tier 1 city. It’s crazy, everyone should go at least once.

                  I’ve not yet been to Cuba, but I’ve never heard a bad word about it from anyone who has, other than that they’re poor, which is an artificially inflicted and continually enforced condition, not a natural one.