It’s full of butter though.
It’s full of butter though.
It looks to me the mods there are fake vegans, trying to make as much damage to the cause as possible.
🎶…I was born to lead
And I’ll starve till there’s
no more mouths to feed🎵
Gotta love seeing CoD and Doom agreeing on this.
Yeah, before the community patched it up.
Newsworthy? At this day and age? Doubtful. A single random guy tweeting something is considered newsworthy today.
Some people can’t even beat marriage without cheat codes smh my head
I mean, obviously? That’s not what I was saying at all. I think you misinterpreted my original post in a big way.
Nah, I read the whole series recently and for some details that bothered me looked up the how the science on that progressed. I can’t give you exact examples as I don’t remember details, but I do know that there’s a bunch of very mistaken assumptions that the series is built on that he had no way of knowing back when he started and had to keep going forward (remember, the series was written over several decades starting in the fourties) and also a bunch of errors where he could have known better but just messed up.
Ceres is the issue. People are pissed that they learnt the list of planets and now it’s different, but don’t realise the only viable options were to either drop the last one or add a bunch of them, some right in the middle.
And it shows how Asimov had zero conception of how ridiculously huge the galaxy is, though that’s just the storylines being a product of their time, probably.
You’re getting awfully worked up about the hypothetical baby you’re using to justify murder.
Then I’d be a witness and therefore not qualified to pass judgement in their case. Conflict of interest.
Who is representing the capitalism there?
That gif is giving me Cyriak vibes.
Grackles are crows, same as jackdaws.