• Bernie EcclestonedOP
    9 months ago

    What did they expect? Hamas have done this to the Palestinians, Netanyahu has done this to the Palestinians, there are no good guys here for you to cheer on

    Some audio plays and a translation of the Arabic pops up on the screen as a Hamas terrorist calls his father: “Father, I killed 10 Jews! Check your WhatsApp! I sent you the photos! Father, I killed 10 Jews! I killed 10 Jews with my bare hands. check your WhatsApp. Father, be proud of me!”

    These are who you are supporting?

    • @[email protected]
      19 months ago

      You present a false dichotomy. There are good guys: The Palestinian people who have been oppressed for 56 years. The fact that you can’t see that should be concerning.

      • Bernie EcclestonedOP
        -39 months ago

        The Palestines elected Hamas, Netanyahu kept them there. There are no good guys.

            • @[email protected]
              09 months ago

              Widely blamed by whom? The West?

              At the failed Camp David summit, Arafat was ambushed by Clinton and Barak, when both presented him with a deal that was much more favorable to Israel than to Palestine. Source.

              But facts don’t matter to you. Ironic eh?

              • Bernie EcclestonedOP
                -19 months ago

                The proposals included the establishment of a demilitarised Palestinian state on some 92% of the West Bank and 100% of the Gaza Strip, with some territorial compensation for the Palestinians from pre-1967 Israeli territory; the dismantling of most of the settlements and the concentration of the bulk of the settlers inside the 8% of the West Bank to be annexed by Israel; the establishment of the Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem, in which some Arab neighborhoods would become sovereign Palestinian territory and others would enjoy “functional autonomy”; Palestinian sovereignty over half the Old City of Jerusalem (the Muslim and Christian quarters) and “custodianship,” though not sovereignty, over the Temple Mount; a return of refugees to the prospective Palestinian state though with no “right of return” to Israel proper; and the organisation by the international community of a massive aid programme to facilitate the refugees’ rehabilitation.

                Ambushed with the best deal ever. Sure.

                • @[email protected]
                  -29 months ago

                  Sorry you typed all that in vain. If you’re trying to convince me, you’re gonna need to grant all Palestinians equal rights, and withdraw settlements from all occupied areas. If you want a 2 state; we go back to the 1967 borders and conditions. Deal?

                  • Bernie EcclestonedOP
                    -19 months ago

                    It’s a quote… from the link you didn’t read