Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.

  • @Kythtrid
    7 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      I’ve seen tankies making strawmen out of things like:

      • People who don’t think ML strategies are a good idea for global revolution.

      • Recognizing that the US, Russia, and China are all fallible. Not equally bad, but comparably flawed.

      • Believing Zelenskyy is like Churchill in both the flattering and unflattering ways, while no amount of Azov Nazis justify Russia’s brutal invasion.

      • Ignorant liberals representing all left leaning opposition.

      I get the impression that you want to paint serious objections and disagreements by genuine leftists as either factionalism that must be silenced, or a plot by capitalists to stop redistribution. Tankies are real, terrible, and willing to defend or perpetuate almost any crime against humanity if they have faith it will contribute to the greater good.

    • @Gorilladrums
      -18 months ago

      Most people misunderstand what Marxism is. They think Marxism is the communist utopia and every else is just tankies going on a tangent, when in reality that is what Marxism is. At its very core, Marxism is an authoritarian, oppressive, and violent ideology that is fueled by hate and operates like a dogmatic religion. Tankies are just the extremists among the extremists.

      • @Kythtrid
        7 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • @Gorilladrums
          18 months ago

          Least brain damaged Marxist

          Capitalism and Marxism aren’t even comparable, let alone equivalent. Marxism is an all encompassing ideology, capitalism is an economic system. Your attempt at whataboutism is so piss poor that it’s really not worth entertaining any further.

          • @Kythtrid
            7 months ago

            deleted by creator

            • @Gorilladrums
              18 months ago

              Better… but as shitty as neo liberalism can be, it is still infinitely better than Marxism.

              • @Kythtrid
                7 months ago

                deleted by creator

                • @Gorilladrums
                  18 months ago

                  The Soviet Union was not under siege. That’s such a silly claim. The Soviet Union had direct influence over 1/3 of the planet at one point because they were all controlled by Soviet aligned Marxist states. They turned out as they did because Marxism is an inherently authoritarian ideology. There’s a reason why there’s isn’t a single example of a free and democratic Marxist state.

                  Something does need to change, but the solution to our current problems is properly regulated capitalism. Not some failed shitty ideology like Marxism. We need more competition in the markets, we need to break up monopolies, we need more government regulation to protect the environment, workers, and consumers, we need to remove money from politics, we need to allow big businesses to fail when they do, we need to remove the subsidies for massive corporations, and so on. These are simple reforms that would make massive differences.

                  • @Kythtrid
                    7 months ago

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