Boyfriend of 2 years (best friend of 6) just told me he’s started seeing someone else. No discussion. Just ghosted me for a week and hit me with this news. Thought he was my soulmate, lmao. I feel like someone just ripped out my insides. Just turned 31 this year, this shit is not any easier than when I was a teenager.

How did you make it through that first night? The second? The third? Is it really just time? I feel like my body is too old to survive another heartbreak.

  • @gibbedygook
    18 months ago

    Breakups are hard. I broke up with someone after 5+ years, and it took a long time to get over.

    The best advice I have is, don’t wallow in it and find something else that interests you. Knitting, picking up climbing or cycling as a sport, redecorating your house, anything that gets you actively thinking about something else and spending time in a way that makes you feel fulfilled. Hell, even a new video game or mobile game.