• Tamandua
    48 months ago

    Removed by mod

    • HobbitFoot
      168 months ago

      No, they’ve been here from well before the Reddit migration. It was just that the activity from Reddit migrants had died down and now you’re seeing more of what Lemmy was beforehand.

      • Tamandua
        -28 months ago

        Ah. It’s a bummer.

        I’m ok with criticism of the US, but this just seems like a targeted stream of anti western crap.

        It’s sad that the internet is getting trashed by state actors for their own gain, and unfortunate for those who take it all at face value.

        • @[email protected]
          88 months ago

          What’s a more likely target for state actors:

          A small federated social media platform with a limited audience and that, by design, decentralizes control


          Reddit, which literally has Atlantic Council members deciding content moderation policy

          It’s not anyone else’s fault that the US has been taking L after L recently internationally.

          • Tamandua
            -28 months ago

            Reddit is manipulated for sure. I didn’t say it wasn’t.

            I said that Lemmy shows all the signs of bullshit propaganda. I think the US has its pros and cons, but I can tell RT like content when I see it.

            A small social media platform is easy to manipulate as well. The goal for Russia is to divide the West and anger people. When only 15 upvotes will get something to Top for the day, that’s pretty ripe for abuse.

        • @[email protected]
          68 months ago

          You think state actors are targeting lemmy? That seems like an incredibly bad investment. Do you think the troll farms boss would be happy with me posting on here instead of facebook or twitter?

          It’s actually far more likely that your opinion (including this hot take right here) has been formed by many an organization or rich dude throwing money at promoting their views in both traditional media and social media. Of course this place here seems out of place to you, you’re the one that has taken the propaganda at face value.

          • Tamandua
            -18 months ago

            Actually, there is high value in posting where their upvotes matter a lot. That’s why Russia hijacked r/conspiracy - because they didn’t have the numbers to overwhelm some of the bigger subreddits.

            A new medium like Lemmy is easy to hijack. And clearly it’s happening. I read a very broad cross section of news, and a lot of the stuff that’s getting upvoted here is simply lame anti—west propaganda.

      • Tamandua
        -18 months ago

        Uh huh. Riiight.

        I’ve been on the internet for 30 years, including BBSes and IRC, so I actually have a pretty good idea what it looked like before censorship.

        This is bullshit propaganda and if you’re swallowing it all, I’m sorry.