This question was inspired by my hatred of Temporal Anti-Aliasing which, in many games nowadays, is poorly used as a performance bandaid. On lower resolutions it will smudge and blur the image and certain bad cases of TAA will cause visible ghosting.

Yet in spite of all this, certain games won’t let you turn it off or have hair/fur/foliage look like dogshit without it so sometimes I still use it.

  • Big P
    278 months ago

    Amazon. I try to buy elsewhere most of the time but other sites just don’t have the same stuff sometimes.

    • MrSebSin
      18 months ago

      It took some work and sometimes we pay a little more but we cut Amazon out of our lives.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      Prime is just too good if you happen to use Amazon’s other products. Free overnight delivery on Whole Foods items, that’s literally 4-6 hour delivery sometimes. Access to Prime Videos which (very) occasionally has a show I want to watch. And a free Twitch subscription which I use to toss creators I like a few extra bucks every month.