One of the oldies but goodies.

It has been oft-reported that Terry hisself did not recommend starting with The Colour of Magic.
The early books are not as cognizant of the scope and subtlety of the Discworld as a spotlight and magnifying glass for the Roundworld, and are more straightforwardly a pastiche and twist on the classic pulp fiction fantasy/DnD tropes; although setting much of the scene and introducing several and pivotal recurring characters.

People often recommend starting with certain ‘arcs’, like the Watch, or the Witches.

Others recommend a book that can stand alone, like Small Gods, Pyramids, or Thief of Time.

I have to say, I just go chronological, every time.

I have started the series again from scratch each time I have got a new one, starting with my first Discworld book in 1988.

I love seeing how the concepts and characters mature, and the links, evolution, foreshadowing and callbacks.

What your reading order recommendations!

  • Transient Punk
    31 year ago

    Thanks for posting this. I have always wanted to start reading the Discworld series, but I haven’t known how to start it.

    I’m looking forward to seeing some of the other comments on this thread.