Hamas has spent years stockpiling desperately needed fuel, food and medicine, as well as ammo and weapons, in the miles of tunnels it has carved out under Gaza.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      I can’t believe you’re still acting like you have moral superiority here lol

      “OK, fine - I made up my whole argument, but you’re probably lying too! Afterall, it’s what I’d do!”

      I mean jeez, if you’re going to lie through your teeth about something to try and support some made up point, at least take the 5 seconds to do find out what it is you’re lying about

      Edit: lol, he blocked me - what a tool

    • danhakimiOP
      08 months ago

      What? I don’t speak enough Hebrew to understand her interview in Hebrew, which is why I provided her testimony in English, which you can understand without a need of a Translation, and which also addressed your confused question of why Western media wasn’t reporting on it—it was.

      And then you went on to tell the stupidest fucking lie in this thread.

      So what are you bitching about?