“Officials said that Israel and Egypt were prepared to let foreigners leave the Strip which is under heavy Israeli bombardment, but Hamas had refused.”

  • jungle
    38 months ago

    What a strange concentration camp that was, where Palestinians were able to go into Israel to work every day, travel abroad, etc. Almost like most other national borders (except for Schengen), where you need a passport and maybe even a visa to enter. Or like the US, where you’re not allowed in if they even suspect you’re going to work. Also, let’s not forget the terrorists that constantly threaten to kill your citizens. Would you let them into your house?

    • @[email protected]
      58 months ago

      So which is it, are they being allowed freedom of movement into Israel to work with identification, or you don’t want them in because they’re terrorists who threaten to kill civilians?

      All I’ve seen is that some people were allowed in and out, but it isn’t exactly a porous border, identification requirements are strict, getting the necessary approval and documentation is difficult in a place without a functioning state. And you can’t just make rules and distance yourself from the consequences of them just because people are unable to meet the requirements of those rules, you have to actually look at what the effect is.

      • jungle
        18 months ago

        So you don’t think border control is justified given the presence of terrorists?

        I agree that consequences should be taken into consideration, and I assume you don’t think they were in this case.

        What’s your solution? What would you have done?

      • jungle
        -18 months ago

        The UN is very one-sided on this conflict. I was surprised to watch a documentary on the history of the Israeli - Palestine conflict, made by the UN, and it didn’t mention Hamas or their attacks at all. I expected better from the UN, but here we are.

          • jungle
            8 months ago

            Yes, because this is just one powerful country killing an entire population of innocent people, and for absolutely no reason. That’s what’s happening. No nuance, no history, nothing. Just this one event, completely isolated and all black and white.

            Congrats on your firm grip on reality.

          • jungle
            08 months ago

            Please point me to the international law (I assume you mean the Geneva Convention) that says that you can’t take prisoners.

            • I said you can’t illegally detain people without charge, not that you can’t take prisoners. A large number of Palestinians are held without charge in Israelz and in the past few weeks that number has sky rocketed with many arbitrary detention.

              • jungle
                08 months ago

                Ah, I see. Do I have a bit of news for you: Israel and Gaza are at war.