Hey all, I recently left reddit like many of you. I have a question regarding lemmy and the fediverse on the history of banning and defederation. I have noticed several posts calling for varying communities to be disconnected. were these removal requests as prevalent before the mass migration? Usually I am all for communities existsting in their own spaces, barring illegal content. I am hoping that the new users are coming here with the intent to learn how this community works, before we try to remake the community we just left.

  • Kerfuffle
    1 year ago

    Seems to be popular to defederate from right-leaning instances. The Fediverse basically started as a far-left stronghold, so it isn’t surprising.

    This seems like it’s subtly framing the issue as left-leaning individuals just arbitrarily hating/suppressing right-leaning individuals/views simply because they are different. Me left-leaning. Right leaning different. Rahh, different bad! Me oppose/censor right-leaning stuff!

    Left-wing people don’t just hate right-wing stuff just because it’s different though. “Liberal” ideas are generally about being tolerant/permissive. If someone claims to identify as an attack helicopter and says their pronouns are copterself/whupwhupwhup maybe it’s silly to indulge that but it’s not hateful/harmful/bigoted to do so. If someone is sexually attracted to the same sex, again it’s not going to fall into the category of bigotry/hate to be respectful/tolerant/permissive toward that, while on the other hand “HOMOSEXUALITY IS AN ABOMINATION UNTO THE LAWD!” is in fact hateful and bigoted.

    My point is it’s not just one side being against the other because it’s different, there’s a fundamental asymmetry involved and unfortunately right-wing stuff is much more likely to end up on the hateful/bigoted/bullying/hurting others side of the spectrum. Additionally, in my opinion “conservatism” - trying to preserve the status quo - is really just an indirect way of saying “appeal to tradition fallacy”. Basing your behavior/ideals on a fallacy based on preserving the status quo is naturally going to end up on the wrong side of progress… well, by definition just about every single time! You can easily look to history to verify this and every social change that people (in western societies anyway) generally accept as a no brainer (letting women vote, abolishing slavery, etc) was opposed by conservatives.