Hey folks, just checking in to see what everyone is playing this week! Did you find a hidden gem or are you jamming on a classic? Let us know what you’re playing and what you think of it.

  • @[email protected]
    68 months ago

    I ‘finished’ Symphony of the Night the other day. By which I mean I got the bad ending, rather than doing some extra stuff to unlock the inverted castle. Should I go back and do that? Maybe at some point.

    I’m very close to finishing Tears of the Kingdom, and I’ve also started a new playthough of New Vegas on my Steam Deck. Plenty to keep me busy!

    • @MustardCabbage
      58 months ago

      Getting the bad ending is, at most, half of the content of that game. So yes! You should finish it

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        This is probably an irrational annoyance, but I don’t like how finding the inverted castle is near impossible without a guide. I like logical puzzles! So that put me off slightly. I will go back and play through it eventually though.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      SotN is one of the best games of all time. The GBA Castlevanias are good as well. Thinking of Castlevania always reminds me of that multiplayer co-op CV game on XBL that I wish was still around… Harmony of Despair.

      Oh man, I just found a Unity port of Harmony of Despair with an active community playing it!