Hate to see an empty community… So what are you people shooting? Where? For how long?

  • @PHPete
    11 year ago

    Hey there!

    Born in NJ, currently living Chester County PA.

    So after growing out of playing Robin Hood as a kid I drifted away from archery. Then about 15 years ago I inherited my grandfather’s recurves when he passed and i jumped back in shooting the 55# at an inadequate target in my yard. 🙄

    Fast forward a bit & now I have 3 kid bows my 2 daughters either shoot or have outgrown (from the amusing Bear 1st Shot up through the 13yo’s 60" 29# Titan) and that I use to introduce archery to local kids.

    On a sad note, drawing an arrow with a broken nock last year resulted in the tip of my grandfather’s bow exploding and major delamination of one limb.😞

    It now hangs on my wall with the other two I inherited which I am too chicken to even string up, lest I frak them up as well.

    I plan on replacing it this year, but I can’t settle on what with just yet.
