Too many people are confusing the two. Whenever or its devs do something stupid, people go “Lemmy is getting worse and worse,” or “I’m leaving Lemmy,” or worse, “I’m leaving for Beehaw.”

If you’re using Beehaw, then you’re using Lemmy. Lemmy is the software these instances run on. If you don’t like, join another instances that have rules that match your philosophy. Some instance hosts authoritarian or fascist shit? Turn to another Lemmy instance. is not even the biggest instance. People who just joined and are unfamiliar with the platform will just think the entire Lemmyverse is run by autocratic admins if we don’t get our terminology right.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    If you have not been on mastodon lately. I’d suggest a revisit.

    As part of my migration to Lemmy I did and found the experience much improved. It way easier to find channels to follow from all various instances.

    Now my main focus was on getting good news feed set up - which is pretty mainstream need. So if your needs are more niche it may still be a pain.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      I was there last week. I followed the tech news people when they finally made the mass exodus in the wake of twitter. It’s more or less just full of news and my local community theme. The biggest pain is when a guy who posts news I love just boost the crap out of everyone. No, I want to see his articles, not how much he likes that person’s cat pictures.

      I prefer lemmy and karma indicators.

      • Ech
        21 year ago

        The biggest pain is when a guy who posts news I love just boost the crap out of everyone. No, I want to see his articles, not how much he likes that person’s cat pictures.

        One of the biggest things I dislike about Twitter, too. I don’t care what these people retweet or whatever. I want to see their posts. It’s a pain in the ass to navigate through a flood of retweets.