• @walkercricket
    18 months ago

    Sure, you’re obviously more likely to have problems like driver issue on a PC than on a console, but in my experience, those kind of issues (or any kind of issue for that matter) are so extremely rare, it’s totally negligible in front of what bring a PC to you and it certainly won’t make me want to switch to consoles for a waste of 20 minutes of my time over a year because of some program or piece of code that didn’t run as expected.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      I guess we have different acceptable levels of wasted time.

      It’s funny actually. Not directly gaming related, but I just yesterday updated my graphics drivers and my video editing software had a blue tint to everything in the preview window. Had to keep rolling back to find the version that broke it. That stuff drives me insane.

      • @walkercricket
        18 months ago

        Do you use Windows by any chance? And cherry on top, an AMD GPU? That wouldn’t surprise me because that’s the worst combo possible. Unfortunately, I can do nothing more than empathize with your issue, it’s indeed a pretty big deal considering it shouldn’t be an issue in the first place, whether you game on your PC or not. I use personally Linux and I’ve never had any problem for drivers, whether it’s Nvidia or AMD, since I use it, which could explain our difference of experience.