• @[email protected]
    138 months ago

    That doesn’t really affect people though.

    30% or 50% inflation would. Rationing would. Power outages would. Having to go to air raid shelters every night would.

    None of that is happening. The losses are downplayed, hidden, and the people sent to war are usually from regions or population groups with little influence. No wonder the population supports the war.

    The government also isn’t losing anything important: they don’t care about the people, the weapon systems being lost are outdated scrap, and neither the luxuries of the elites nor the manufacturing and infrastructure inside Russia are being hit. Why would they stop?

    • @Ummdustry
      58 months ago

      It does effect some people (I.e. People with variable rate mortgages)

      But yeah, overall sanctions are completely insufficient. Partly because they are incomplete, partly because Russia is a massive country able to supply almost all of her own necessities.

    • @[email protected]
      18 months ago

      China. Eventually the russian losses will present too tempting a target to China, which is already seeking deeper ties with the -stan countries. Also, China still wants Vladivostok back.