• No server operator needs to federate with you.
  • No server operator needs to tolerate things they don’t want on their instance.
  • No user of an instance needs to personally curate their own extensive never ending blocklist of users and channels they don’t want to see.

Quit your pseudo-intellectual whining and choose what instance(s) work for you. If you think regularly interacting with shit content somehow helps you stay out of an echo chamber then go ahead and make a second account on those garbage instances full of hateful people. Then you can read both the decent servers and the trash ones and be the fedora wearing ackshually right fair and balanced uber nerd you always wanted to be.

Edit: The huge number of upvotes on this post compared to the low numbers on the whiney imposers’ posts is proof of exactly where this community places its priorities.

  • @crowlemo
    1 year ago

    The problem is that this and other places were sold as reddit alternatives and they’re actually worse than Reddit in that, on Reddit , with one account you could choose what to see and when (akin to controlling your own federation). If you didn’t like a mod team you could choose another sub easily. Same account. You could keep looking at the same place too.

    Federation at the admin of an instance level means all that has a high cost (account per instance), you don’t get to see all at once due to the need to switch accounts and communities are fragmented.

    There’s also a very clear thin skinned authoritarian attitude that seems to promote bullying against any type of dissent while claiming some sort of moral authority.

    Lemmy is broken as a Reddit replacement. By not having the onus on the user but on the admin, and seeing the attitudes from the recommended major instances, it has little chance to generate diverse or interesting content and communities. Just very narrow and small, toe the line places with poor discoverability.


    Edit: in Reddit communities were above mods. In Lemmy, it’s potentially/in practice whiny Mods complaining about anyone in their community that doesn’t fully agree with them and having the power to completely ruin their account. Much worse.

    • Amju Wolf
      31 year ago

      If you didn’t like a mod team you could choose another sub easily. Same account. You could keep looking at the same place too.

      Well unfortunately if Reddit admins decided that you shouldn’t see something they just found a reason and banned it with no recourse. That’s actually way, way worse.

      • @meldroc
        1 year ago

        Exactly - for example with weed subs. A lot got summarily banned, the rest NSFW’d, because Spez wants Reddit G-rated for the IPO.

        Over here, a Mormon instance defederating a weed-oriented instance isn’t going to shut down the stoners’ community.

    • baker
      11 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @crowlemo
        -51 year ago

        Nazi shit. A big claim. I don’t care to talk with people who sees Nazis everywhere, you’re exactly the type of authortiarian user I’m talking about.

        If my country has a different policy than your political party of choice, probably in the US, then suddenly I’m a nazi for even having an opinion. Don’t worry, I’m also a nazi for being against X war and a nazi for being for free speech, and a baby killer for X in another more pro abortion place and whatever.

        Lame thinskinned authortiarians are exactly those who are attracted with this insanely top down lemmyworld. The type that will seek a cause and a self defined victimhood status in order to have different rules so they can abuse others, because you’re right and it’s “the greater good”.

        • baker
          01 year ago

          deleted by creator

    • @meldroc
      11 year ago

      If you don’t like the way an instance curates content, switch to a different instance, or make your own instance and curate content yourself.

      • @crowlemo
        -41 year ago

        The friction is too high each time. Compared to Reddit without offering that much value. Hell, that Blocklist admin is good and owns your user Paradigm makes for very inflexible and circlejerky interactions

        Love it or leave means total consent or fuck you. That’s not a community. It’s a cult.

    • Sparking
      01 year ago

      Buddy, you can always host your own instance. Most places will not de-federate small instances if they don’t act inappropriately. This is the only way to build something sustainable that can’t be taken away by someone.

      • @crowlemo
        -21 year ago

        Yes. I also can develop my own social website. Both are efforts that are not worth it to undertake to just participate in this environment, which, will make the default barrier of entry a ridiculous one (or an authortiarian minded one).

        No. It’s not. When the power is on decentralized Ids that the instance doesn’t have so much power over, then it will be more interesting. As it stands, it offers actually less than Reddit, which is incredible to me (I’m super onboard with descentralization and user power but this is not user power).

        • Sparking
          11 year ago

          It’s really not that hard. Just host it on your computer, or find a smaller instance that everyone will federate with.

          • @crowlemo
            -31 year ago

            Can you suggest that smaller instance? Meeaw and sh.it, the 2 instances I tried keep defederating left and right and justifying bullying as long as it confirms to their political opinions.

            It’s hypocritical, circlejerky and boring. Made me go back to Reddit. I don’t understand how this paradigm of no user control without the absurd friction of self hosting is better for the user unless you’re a niche authoritarian who is fully subservient to some admin.

            • Sparking
              21 year ago

              The one I’m on is federated everywhere, although I think it also defederates the nazi instances. I think you might have to accept that people just don’t want to communicate with nazis.

              • @Kecessa
                21 year ago

                That might be too much to ask of them 🤷

                • Sparking
                  21 year ago

                  Yeah, its the same old story.

                  Lemmy gives you unprecedented power to communicate with people who share your beliefs. If you really want to communicate with nazis so badly no one is stopping you from hosting your own instance and getting your own domain.

                  The issue is that nazis don’t want to just communicate with others that share their beliefs, they want to force others to abide by them - the bedrock of fascism. So they always resort to dishonest tactics to try to make this happen.

                  I am almost a libertarian when it comes to this. If you want to be weird nazis and talk about how much I deserve to die for existing go do it in your weird corner. Just keep it away from me, you weirdos.