How do you block a lemmy account from your community, when they’re on an instance your mod account can’t see??? There’s someone spamming my community from k.bin, but the posts aren’t showing up on so I’m not sure how to delete the posts or even block the account. Can someone help please?

  • @can
    28 months ago

    Is the mod on an instance that’s defederated from If so maybe they need a mod or alt account on another instance?

    • sweetviolentblush [they/them]OP
      8 months ago

      I’m the mod, my accounts instance is and the community (!oddlyspecificplaylists) is on From I blocked the kbin spammers account, you can see it in my modlog. Their posts and block are the most recent listed. I’m not sure about defederation.

      The spammer is on kbin, and the posts they are spamming aren’t showing up on, but they are showing up on kbin (and possibly other instances?) even after being blocked. They were blocked 5 days ago (from, and you can see on kbin somehow they made a post 2 days ago. Here’s the direct link, which for some reason keeps breaking the link so you have to cut n paste the address 🙄.[email protected]/t/588618/Tandy-3-Voice

      I’m just not sure how I can get them to stop if they are technically already blocked? And if this all wasn’t confusing enough, on kbin it says my community is moderated by the guy who does kbin (ernst) and not my mod account? I messaged him but I haven’t heard back yet.

      • @can
        28 months ago

        Kbin has had some moderation federation issues. Ernest has recently delved into some personal issues he’s been having and the community had made a fork called mbin.

        • sweetviolentblush [they/them]OP
          8 months ago

          Oh ok thank you letting me know this! I was wondering if I was being ignored, but I can wait for when ernst has the time. I put my community on mod post only for now. Not really a solution, but hopefully it holds off the spam? I’m not really tech-savvy so 🤷‍♂️

          • ActuallyRuben
            28 months ago

            It should also be noted that the post will only appear on that kbin instance, and no other instances.