Apple expected to post fourth consecutive quarterly sales decline Thursday::Analysts haven’t missed Apple’s lack of growth this year and want to see the company thriving again.

  • @Corkyskog
    28 months ago

    Wait wouldnt that block any and every google service? Seems kind of nuclear to never need maps or anything like that.

    Maybe I misunderstand.

      • @Corkyskog
        28 months ago

        Cool. So let’s pretend I have very little knowledge of how phones work. How difficult would it be for me to install? I assume you have to do the installation over usb-c connected to a laptop?

        How long is the process, and how long would it take me to install any basic apps I would want, including sandboxed Google apps?

          • @Corkyskog
            28 months ago

            Thanks I watched your links, now my only questions is besides security are there any other reasons for Graphene, like battery life? Just making the decision of getting like a Galaxy 21 or 22 or a pixel. The thing that is most important is battery life for me.

            • Chris Ely
              18 months ago

              You can get good battery life from a Pixel 6, 7, or 8 series device even with stock Android.

              It only gets better when flashing a custom OS, particularly GrapheneOS, because you have more control over which apps can be running or using the network / location chips because radio or location can chew through battery charge very quickly.


              • @Corkyskog
                18 months ago

                Is the pixel worse for data gathering than a Galaxy? Or is it just the ability to flash graphene that all the privacy stuff comes in?

                • Chris Ely
                  18 months ago

                  The Pixel is the best available hardware in the Android ecosystem for customized software, and the software is what Google/Samsung/whatever other company uses for data collection.

                  Every other manufacturer either disabled a firmware feature or did not fully enable a security chipset.

                  If you only care about running the software Google/Samsung provided, then any Android flagship device is going to be good enough, but a Titan M2 device is the best option to buy for replaced software.
