Yet another lemmy instance proudly hosted in Montreal, Canada. Still need to get a icon created, if there are any designers here who would like to contribute please feel free to post!

  • @deva
    21 year ago

    I’d rather reject all genocidal maniacs instead of acting like I need to prefer one over the other for practicality.

    • @imaqtpieMA
      31 year ago

      I haven’t seen anyone advocating for genocide but good for you, you’re against genocide

      • @deva
        1 year ago

        dessalines AKA parentis_shotgun on reddit was banned by the r/socialism mod team for posting fascist LaRouchite propaganda and then praising the reactionary author, who is also a climate change denier who writes conspiracy theory books about the “NWO”. He demanded to be unbanned but then made things even worse in their modmail by saying “putting Uyghurs in concentration camps aint cultural genocide because they’re extremists”, among other awful things. He refused to apologize for using fascist literature to condemn Uyghurs, and instead kept defending it, so they aint unbanning him.

        That’s the admin of the main instance. Advocating genocide.

        • @imaqtpieMA
          21 year ago

          So I can see that he is interested in and possibly a fan of Lyndon LaRouche, who was a bit of a wackjob but also a free thinker. And he questions whether the treatment of Uyghurs is actually a genocide, which I dont agree with, but is within the realm of rational inquiry. There are no unbiased sources regarding that issue, its all propaganda from both sides. And I can also see that he refused to apologize to the mods of r/socialism.

          At no point did you provide evidence that someone was advocating for genocide.

          • @deva
            21 year ago

            a free thinker … within the realm of rational inquiry.

            Yeah holocaust deniers also call themselves free thinkers, doesn’t make it so. Enjoy your “free thought” under the moderation of authoritarian simps.

            • @imaqtpieMA
              21 year ago

              I don’t agree with LaRouche, but he was indisputably a free thinker. His positions defy categorization, he could be considered a part of both the far left and the far right depending on the topic. He viewed history as a battle between Platonists, who believe in absolute truth, and Aristotelians, who rely on empirical data.

              I’m not being moderated by those people anyway. I’m simply using the software they developed, which is open source and can be contributed to or viewed by anyone. I’m not a member of their community. If they want to get real crazy with it, I can simply block them. What’s the issue?