
Thanks to runjun for inspiration.

  • Captain Aggravated
    168 months ago

    Didn’t they also establish that Ocampan women only go into heat once in their lives, and have human size litters aka usually just one child, meaning they would be at Chinese levels of birth deficit?

    • Xariphon
      138 months ago

      Yes. Kes was artificially put into it and made a point of saying it happens only once.

      As to them having a tendency to single births, I don’t remember. There do seem to be few enough of them to indicate a population in decline, but…

      If each couple can only have one child ever, their population would halve every generation, wouldn’t it? That’s… Isn’t that wildly unsustainable, biologically?

      I suppose they could represent an evolutionary dead-end…

      • Justas🇱🇹
        38 months ago

        That’s only if you assume male-to-female ratio of 1:1 if they had, say, 10 women for each man, they would only lose 10% of their population per generation. However, if roughly one in ten pregnancies were with twins, the population would be stable.