• @abraxas
    38 months ago

    Holy shit, yeah. But it’s definitely still a McMansion when you note that most of the first-floor flooring is poured concrete and the second floor all plywood.

    This is a potentially beautiful house, but needs a whole hell of a lot more work than you’d see at first glance. I was looking at a (much smaller) house in my area like that. If I’m going near the top of my budget (which is admittedly lower than this listing) I need a house that’s move-in ready. That means value-store rugs on top of all those floors for however many years I can’t imagine.

    And 7 bathrooms is stupid for 7 bedrooms.

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      18 months ago

      One thing I’ve noticed about mansions is that they seem to have a ridiculous number of bathrooms. Since this is clearly masquerading as a mansion, it needs all 7 bathrooms at least! Lol