I feel like it would be an interesting learning tool cuz I learn a ton on here and it gets me writing without anyone having to hold a gun to my head. I mean like even essay-length or at least essay-worthy treatments of things I respond to in longer-form, and even for the shorter-form stuff

  • @[email protected]OP
    18 months ago

    The dialectical format/facillitation is the most important part in my view. Like being able to interrogate and cross-examine everything and having lots of nesting levels is a profound thing

    • ᴇᴍᴘᴇʀᴏʀ 帝
      48 months ago

      That is more a product of the user than the platform. If you want nested discussion you can get that from a range of forums.

      • @[email protected]OP
        08 months ago

        I sort of agree but I also don’t think platforms like FB etc really lend well to the dialectical format for some reason. Like, I would never try to have a serious discussion there, not to mention all the niceties with Lemmy like markdown, links, nesting levels