Fired or resigned, extremely incomplete list:

  • Nick Calandra - Editor-in-Chief
  • Yahtzee Croshaw - Zero Punctuation, Adventure is Nigh, Extra Punctuation
  • Jack Packard - Adventure is Nigh
  • Amy Campbell - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
  • KC Nwosu - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
  • Jesse Galena - Adventure is Nigh, 3 Minute Reviews
  • Sebastian Ruiz - Cold Take, Stuff of Legend
  • JM8 - Editor, Design Delve
  • Darren Moody - Columnist
  • Marty Sliva - 3 Minute Review

IP of Zero Punctuation belongs to Escapist, so that is dead as of now.

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    The only other DnD podcast I enjoy to the same degree is „Not Another DnD Podcast,“ you just have to survive the first 10-ish minutes of the very first episode which are kind of weird and then it‘s an incredible ride

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Just subscribed to that. I’ve enjoyed Dungeons and Daddies, the title of which requires an explanation to be included: it’s about four dad’s finding their sons after they’re sucked into the forgotten realms through a portal. Sword AF is pretty good too. On YouTube.