• @[email protected]
    618 months ago

    Tom: How can I get to the toilet?

    You: Can you speak Chinese?

    Tom: Yes of course

    You: 那我們說中文吧 “Then let’s speak in Chinese”

    Tom: 好的,沒問題 “Okay, no prob”

    You: 前面右轉直走100米就到了 “Turn right then walk 100m and you’ll arrive”

      • @profoundninja
        68 months ago

        Really, any reason in particular for this change?

        • ChaoticNeutralCzech
          168 months ago

          Geopolitics. Learning English was always forbidden behind the Iron Curtain. You may argue that it does not exist anymore but how do you explain this?

          • @[email protected]
            18 months ago

            I mean, that’s just demonstratively wrong. I’ve got plenty to criticize about China, but I personally know multiple people who got offers to teach English over there with a very, very basic understanding of Chinese

            They most certainly prize speaking English without an accent… I’m not saying it’s a good deal, but they most certainly encourage the program

              • @[email protected]
                18 months ago

                I’d explain it by saying they’re attempting to “rebuild pride in their Chinese heritage”. After years of Western culture being equated with prosperity, they’re pushing to build a new national identity more convenient for them

                Many countries have efforts to try to preserve their culture against American media - like France limits the amount of English songs on the radio. They still teach people English aggressively in schools - it’s the primary language of trade and technology

                The PRC just wants it both ways. They want the advantages of globalization and speaking the international language, but they want it to be culturally stigmatized too