He is a far leftist person who wishes to stamp out conservative content and edgy humor on lemmy, after blocking him on my instance cz he forced me (which is very hard on EH) too he keeps coming back to harass the instance, this will be my only post here on this subject and sorry for intruding

  • carbon_based
    2 years ago

    … And btw, here is my take on “racism”. I have a degree in biology, and to my knowledge, the notion of “race” (more precisely: subspecies) in humans has been abandoned decades ago. Therefore, who ever speaks of “races” in humans, is necessarily a racist. :-)
    Now look at the colour of your skin. What colour is it, exactly? – Mine is a great range of shades of yellowish-brownish-reddish, depending on the part of the body; it’s usually darker brownish in summer because i’m under the sun a lot. So please don’t call me “white”. People would guess that i’m an Egyptian but i’m not. :-)