• xor
    610 months ago

    Okay let’s break this down into the three unrelated parts:

    Which genocides? Sounds to me like you know that the genocides you’re referring to actually have huge amounts of evidence, so you’re intentionally avoiding saying which specifically to avoid scrutiny.

    Most genocides ever committed? The country has only existed since 1776, and humans have been committing genocide for a hell of a lot longer than that.

    none that they actually discovered via authentic journalistic investigations

    What the hell is that meant to mean? Who is “they”? None of what? What makes a journalist’s investigation “authentic”?

      • xor
        410 months ago

        Nonono, you’ve passed the point of getting off that ride.

        What’s happened here is you came in spouting absolute bullshit with nothing to back it up. Then you got called out for it by this “hipster”, and realising that, you’re trying to back out by pretending you never wanted to have this conversation in the first place.

        Now you’re doing the internet equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and yelling LALALA to convince yourself you’re right, and that you’re not giving your government a free pass to commit genocide, it’s just those damn westerners trying to “make you have morals” and “form sentences that actually mean something”.